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MP3 VR8 FM Modulator

Цена: p.
Технические параметры

Автомобильный MP3-плеер в прикуриватель

FM Modulator Plays All Your Audio Devices Wireless Through your Car Stereo System
Compatible with MP3’s, CD’s, DVD Player’s and Laptops
Control Panel with fourteen station pre-set
On Board Memory
Random Shuffle play
Adjustable head positioning
LCD display
3ft Audio cable for connecting i-Pod etc
Standard USB Port
Play, Stop, Volume and Track Selection Controls
3.5mm Stereo Input
FM Modulator Turns Any USB Memory Drive into an MP3 Player
Included audio cable attaches almost any CD player, DVD player, MP3 player, laptop computer, etc. to your FM modulator to hear sound through your FM radio

Курс валют

на 08.02.2025
USD Доллар США
EUR Евро


тел.: (495) 548-32-21, 548-32-22; e-mail: shop@knightshistory.ru
сайт: www.knightshistory.ru

Режим работы

отправка заказов осуществляется: пн. - пт. с 9.00 до 19.00
сб. с 10.00 до 16.00


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